PDF Share Forms

Why we believe in PDF forms

PDF is an open standard since July 1 2008 and published
by the International Organization for Standardization
as ISO 32000-1:2008, at which time control of the specification passed to an ISO Committee of volunteer industry experts.
PDF is the most matured file format
  • PDF file format is accepted anywhere in the world
  • PDF forms works on any platform
  • PDF is recognized by millions of developers
  • PDF is supported by thousands of user groups
PDF is the only way to provide
an electronic "hard copy"
of any document
PDF is an ISO 32000 standard
PDF could be displayed by multiple 3rd party viewers and you are never dependent on one vendor
for your forms
Storage and archival
PDF file format is a natural choice for long-term storage and retention policies. Conversion
to "read only" format can be easily achieved
Works even offline
With PDF Share Forms you have ability to work
in a non-hassle offline mode (submission by email)
Why PDF is the best format for forms?
PDF is a file
  • 1
    When compressed PDF files can be very compact, so it is ideal for storage. File layout is kept unchanged and can be viewed on all platforms.
  • 2
    Business and Legal Documents
    With the PDF format, you can secure your documents so that no one can change the wording of an application
    or the terms of an agreement.
  • 3
    Digital signatures
    PDF forms provide users with powerful tools to identify authors or users and protect forms from tampering. Following certain guidelines make PDF forms legally-binding.
  • 4
    Offline functionality
    Unlike webforms, PDF forms do not always require internet connection
    to work. It is possible to submit a form directly or send it via e-mail as an attachment.
  • 5
    Workflow flexibility
    PDF functionality allows the form to be both the capture tool and the resulting record. You can also store information inside the form itself and share it with your customers.
  • 6
    While printing a fillable PDF form may sound like a step backwards, it is still
    a very common case. Surprisingly,
    not a lot of form solutions on the market are printer-friendly.
Making SharePoint forms smarter
Easy automated data retrieval
Active customer feedback influenced many of the new features
of PDF Share Forms. Now business users can manage the entire form life cycle on their own. In the same time, IT departments can fully rely on matured secure solution based on PDF and SharePoint ecosystem.
Our products are specifically designed to be accessible and intuitive.

Works with Microsoft SharePoint 2010, 2013, 2016, and Office 365.